Sunday, March 2, 2014

Social Networking

Social Networking has transformed the way we live our lives in so many different capacities. It's very easy to think of Facebook when referring to social media because it seems to dominate the social networking world and allows its users to connect with each other with little effort. Facebook embodies networking; however, there are other networking websites such as LinkedIn that has a less social-networking but more professional-networking aspect.  LinkedIn is a very creative platform whereby one can post a professional profile and basically advertise himself/herself and possibly be matched with appropriate jobs. 

Although Facebook offers a more informal way of networking it, the website also allows for companies to advertise their products and services which is a corporate feature of Facebook.  Users of technologies such as Twitter and Facebook use the technology as a means of expressing themselves which can be useful but can also be to their detriment. For example: employees being fired after posting comments and photos that were not acceptable to employers. Another dark side of these very vocal technologies is the harmful effect they can have on innocent people. For instance the issue of cyberbullying

In his campaign to the White House, then Senator Obama and his team wisely used social media with its widespread communicative abilities to clench his presidential title.

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