Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Next New Thing

Although the concept of holograms has been around for a while and has been used in movies and other aspects, it is yet to be embraced as a part of new media.  Hologram technology is an idea in new media that I have been thinking of for a while.  Computers that use this technology will soon be a norm and it will again affect the way people live, similar to many other new media.

I envision that holographic technology can change the way people use computers, phones, televisions and other devices. For instance, instead of navigating these devices by actually touching them, punching keys etc., people will be able to enjoy holographic screens and manipulate them in real time without hand-held device and other equipment. This is incredible technology and I believe it will become the new media of the near future.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wiki So Far

I have made some contribution to the Real Estate category of the Wiki website. I realized that an important aspect of real estate is the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) which acts to manage the real estate operations of those wanting to list, buy and sell properties. The MLS database offers a range of services and a log of properties on the real estate market. I also provided a direct link to the Multiple Listing Service website.
I hope to add a "Travel" page to the Wiki website, which is what I am currently researching.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

P2P File Sharing

As its name implies file sharing involves the distribution of digital files via computers and internet. Apart from transmitting files, file sharing can also mean giving others access to files over a network or the internet. Peer-to-peer file sharing gives users the ability to access digital files with through P2P software programs that connects other users on a P2P network.

A popular example of P2P is BitTorrent - one of the most successful P2P software programs. It allows users to upload and download very large files such as movies, games, books etc.  Millions of users have downloaded the BitTorrent software and engage in the illegal download of desired digital content. BitTorrent is controversial and can be viewed as good or bad depending on which side of the fence one is sitting. Evidently, it is unfair to the creators of programs who are hoping to benefit financially from their software but conversely beneficial for illegal down-loaders who get these programs without paying for them.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Privacy and Confidentiality

It is my view that privacy and confidentiality are quickly disappearing as technology advances. With respect to new media it appears there is very little privacy, especially with networking sites.  In this day and age one has to be so careful about what content he or she chooses to post, because there can be serious repercussions. Even with the right privacy settings there is a sense that once the content is posted, basically anyone can have access to it. Some employers nowadays are requesting access to the networking sites of prospective employees before they make a hiring decision.  Although employers are demanding access and not simply hacking the accounts, the mere idea that absolute strangers can invade one's personal space is a huge encroachment on privacy.

The sale of digital information is big business; even with extremely confidential information like medical records. As technology advances, I believe it will become increasingly difficult to keep information private and confidential. There are also so many gray areas whereas the law is concerned, especially as the digital world is growing faster than lawmakers can write laws for it.


Advice to Baruch College

One of the main reasons I transferred to Baruch College was for its emphasis on producing good business students who are highly sought after by employers. The STARR Center is very resourceful an can be useful in preparing for and landing a good job; however, I really believe that there is more that can be and should be done on the College's part the assist students partner with the right companies.

Apart from forming direct alliances with the right companies and creating internship programs where qualified students move directly into that position upon graduation, maybe more should be done with the use of new media. Baruch students can possibly enjoy an exclusive professional networking site similar to LinkedIn where they can create professional profiles to advertise themselves. Companies that are seeking Baruch graduates/students can advertise their positions on this website as well as have the ability to view the profiles of prospective employees.  This one-on one networking will help match students to jobs and employers to potential employees.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The use of open source platforms has significantly contributed to the wellspring of creativity with new media technology.  Open source also connects with the concept of community, collaboration and convergence.  The idea that someone can initiate a creative process which allows others to build upon, really takes the limits off the creation. Take Twitter for instance... which had a structure but because of users' input it was able to take on characteristics that was not initially envisioned.  There is a lot of untapped potential with regards to new media and many 'techies' today are up to the challenge. Someone might be able to start a process but someone else who is not connected to the process might make a contribution that can take it to a whole new level. 

Mashups are very creative aspect of the use of music technology (although it's not that new, just revolutionized). Despite its creative aspect mashups can also create issues with copyright laws and should be designed mainly for listening purposes rather that for profit.



Creativity and New Media

I wanted to express my creativity by using this very simply and cool infographic to bring some elements of new media together.  There some many fascinating new forms of technology that allow users to tap into their creativity and produce very good results. It also helps that so many of the software are very user friendly and are really just brilliant improvements of old media.

Click on link below to view.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds is a fascinating new reality that can be used in so many aspects of life today including virtual business, pleasure, education, healthcare, travel, sports and even politics. Although it is not physical, a virtual world can have profound effects on real human life. Virtual worlds foster creativity by opening doors of endless possibilities; as far as the imagination can go. In the flesh people are limited in various capacities unlike the virtual world. An example of such is the ability to fly or be a superhero who saves the world.

Some pros of virtual worlds are that they allow people a different and possibly better life. In one of the readings on 'second life', physically disabled people have the opportunity to experience a world without their disabilities. Virtual communities can help people with social anxiety disorders, provide support groups and even companionship for the lonely.  The virtual world of Minecraft is a great learning tool for kids where they can use imagination to create and improve cognitive abilities. There are cons of virtual worlds too. The fact that it is not real and people make it their reality can pose issues in the physical world. Regardless of who one's avatar is or how powerful, successful, brilliant or good-looking it may be, it remains just an avatar. People can become so connected to their avatars that they lose grasp of reality in the flesh. More real world problems arise where people fail to disconnect from their virtual worlds or where virtual worlds have transformed people.

There is a promising future for virtual worlds as more people catch on and as designers of the virtual worlds continue to be creative. Virtual travel might be a norm because people will have the ability to visit and experience places without actually going there; for instance taking space walks.